50th Pin

Northern Virginia Lions Youth Camp, Inc.
The Northern Virginia Lions Youth Camp, Inc. is chartered as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
History of the Camp
About the Camp
The Cabins
Other Facilities
Maps and Directions to the Camp
Campus Map
Volunteer to do a project at the Camp
Make a donation to the Camp
NVLYC Board of Directors
Links to other Lions Sites


Contact Information for the Camp!
Camp Rules
Camp Application
Camp Brochure
Orienteering Course
NVLYC patch
Celebrating our 67 st Anniversary! 1958 to 2025
In 1958, Richard Kohlway, a member of the Herndon Lions Club was instrumental in obtaining support from his Club, and the Chantilly and Oakton Lions Clubs, to form the Northern Virginia Youth Summer Camp, Inc., a Virginia Corporation. A committee searched in Rappahannock and Clarke Counties for an appropriate campground site and recommended a 99-acre farm on a mountain in Clarke County, the present campground site. The site was purchased for $10,000, after some very trusting Lions signed personal notes to secure a loan. From 1958 to 1972 nine Lions Clubs supported the project, raised money from various fund-raising drives, paid off the loan, built three cabins, a nice pavilion, and improved the property. The Pavilion was built on the site of the old homestead. A 1979 survey shows we have 120 acres. From 1986 to 1996 further improvements have been made to the roads and cabins; a pond, picnic tables at the pavilion and a bathhouse have been constructed. In 1995, the Clifton, Baileys Crossroads and Engleside cabins were built. Over the years youth groups have used the camp, Lions Clubs have had picnics and overnight stays and shared lots of good fellowship. Many Boy Scout Eagle projects, such as an amphitheater, orienteering trail, horseshoe pits, a maintenance building, bunk beds, and picnic tables, have enhanced the camp.A new formal corporation was formed with its present title and an I.R.S. 501.3c tax exemption was obtained allowing donations to the camp to be fully tax deductible. We have been financially supported by Lions and Lionesses of District 24-L, a $20,000 non-interest bearing loan and $103,000 in grants from Lions of Virginia Foundation. The camp is also supported through many Eagle Scout projects, as well as individual Lions' labor.
For more information about the History, please contact the NVLYC Scheduler or click on the cabin link
Northern Virginia Lions Youth Camp Mailing address: 7623 Virginia Ave, Falls Church VA 22043 2302 This website is provided to the Lions of Virginia District 24-L. It is the work of the NVLYC webmaster. Copyright 1997
Revised: February 2, 2025